It's a common scenario. You're in the middle of an intense gaming session, and suddenly, your computer screen goes black. You scramble to check all the cords and make sure everything is plugged in but to no avail. You've been hit by a power surge, and your gaming PC is toast.

But do you really need a surge protector for your gaming PC? While they certainly don't hurt, the answer may surprise you.

Power Surges Are More Common Than You Think

According to the Insurance Information Institute, power surges are one of the most common causes of damage to electronics.

And while your first instinct might be to blame the electric company for a sudden spike in voltage, that's not always the case. In fact, most power surges are caused by devices within your own home, like refrigerators, air conditioners, and yes, even computers.

Your Home's Electrical System Isn't Designed for Gaming PCs

One of the main reasons power surges happen is that electrical systems aren't designed to handle the high-powered devices we use today.

When too many devices are plugged into one outlet, it can cause an overload that leads to a power surge. And while that might not be a problem for small appliances like toasters and coffee makers, it can be a big problem for gaming PCs.

So, do you need a surge protector for your gaming PC?

The short answer is yes. While they may not prevent all power surges from damaging your computer, they can certainly help lessen the blow.

If you want to keep your gaming PC safe and sound (not to mention your other electronics), we recommend investing in a good surge protector.

Want to know which are the best surge protectors for gaming PCs? Then tap the button below for the best currently available!

Why You Need a Surge Protector

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