It's no secret that gaming on a mechanical keyboard is a great way to elevate your gaming setup and improve your performance. But with so many different types of mechanical switches available, how do you know which one is best for you?

In this article, we'll break down the different types of switches available and talk about their pros and cons. By the end, you'll have all the knowledge you need to make an informed decision about which switch type is best for your gaming needs.

What Are Mechanical Keyboard Switches?

Mechanical keyboard switches are what give keyboards their tactile feel, as well as determine how much pressure or force it takes to register a keystroke.

Generally speaking, they each provide a distinct feel when typing or playing games. Common switch types include Cherry MX Brown, Blue, and Red.

Comparing Cherry MX Switches

Cherry MX Brown

Cherry MX Brown switches are often considered the middle ground between linear (Red) and tactile (Blue) switches. These switches deliver gentle tactile feedback and require light actuation force at 45g – perfect for both typing and gaming tasks.

This makes them great for users who don't want excessive noise or hassle associated with other switch types.

Cherry MX Blue

Meanwhile, Cherry MX Blues provide more audible clicky feedback than other types of mechanical switches – they're usually louder than Browns but quieter than Reds.

They also require greater actuation force at 60g – making them less suitable for long gaming sessions or extended typing tasks.

However, they do provide more reliable tactile feedback than most other switch types, making them ideal if you're looking for something with more precision during gameplay phases where accuracy counts – such as FPS games like CS:GO or Apex Legends.

Cherry MX Red

Lastly, Cherry MX Reds offer light linear feedback with a low actuation force needed of only 45g – perfect for gamers who type quickly since there’s no need to bottom out the keys after each press.

This also makes them much quieter —perfect if you don’t want to disturb others in your house while playing!

However, Reds may not be ideal if you’re looking for extra precision since it takes slightly more effort to activate keys compared to blues/browns due to their lack of tactile bump after each keypress.

Choosing the Right Switch Type

When choosing which type of mechanical keyboard switch is best for your gaming needs, there's no one size fits all solution—it really depends on what type of games you play and what kind of feel/response time you prefer from your keyboard experience overall.

For example: If you play fast-paced shooting games like CS:GO or FPS titles then Reds might be better suited due to their lightning-fast response time & low activation force required per keystroke.

Whereas if you play shooters like Overwatch or tactical shooter titles, then blues/browns might be better due to their higher level of tactile feedback & greater reliability over Reds when accuracy really matters (whereas speed isn't necessarily critical).

Or alternatively, if quiet operations & long hours sitting in front of your PC are important considerations, then browns would likely fit this criteria too since they offer a good compromise between felt response & noise levels relative to reds/blues, respectively.

So depending on individual preference here we'd suggest going either way between these two styles!

Ultimately the choice comes down to personal preference, but hopefully, this article has given you some insight into what each type offers in terms of performance, sound & comfort level.

One More Thing:

If you're looking for the best gaming keyboards on the market available today at great prices, tap the button below to learn more!