If you're like me, then you've probably had your fair share of frustrating experiences with mobile hotspots.

You set it up, connect to it, and everything seems to be working fine...until suddenly, for no reason whatsoever, your connection gets dropped, and you're left scrambling to reconnect.

And it's even more frustrating when it happens in the middle of an important battle in your favorite online game.

But why does this happen? More importantly, how can you prevent it from happening again? Here are 6 reasons why your mobile hotspot might keep disconnecting and what you can do about it.

Weak Signal Strength

If your mobile hotspot is located in an area with a weak signal, then it's likely that your connection will be unstable and prone to disconnections.

One way to solve this problem is to move your hotspot closer to a window or other opening where the signal is stronger or closer to the device you're using the connection for.

You will also want to ensure there are no other obstacles between your hotspot and the device using the hotspot that might interfere with the connection, like other electronics or a wall.

Interference from Other Devices

Another common reason for hotspot disconnections is interference from other devices that are using the same frequency as your hotspot.

This includes things like microwaves, baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, etc. If you think this might be the case, try turning off any devices that might be causing interference and see if that stabilizes your connection.


Just like anything else, if you use your hotspot too much, it's going to start Acting up.

One way to solve this problem is to take a break from using your hotspot every now and then to give it a chance to rest.

Additionally, you can try connecting fewer devices to your hotspot or use a power-saving mode on your devices to reduce strain on the connection.

You're Using Up All of Your Data

When you use a hotspot, you're using up data from your cellular plan much faster than usual.

If you have a limited data plan, it's very possible that you could reach your limit before the end of the month—and once you've reached your limit, your hotspot can be automatically disconnected until the next billing cycle begins.

Poor Quality Equipment

If you're using an older device as a hotpot, then that could also be the reason why your connection keeps getting dropped.

In general, it's a good idea to regularly upgrade your equipment so that you're always using the latest and greatest technology.

Not only will this improve your connection speed and stability, but it will also help future-proof your setup against future problems.

Technical Issues

Lastly, there might be some technical issues with either your modem or router that are causing problems with your connection.

If you've tried all of the other solutions on this list and nothing has worked, then it's probably time to contact your ISP and have them check things out on their end. Oftentimes they can spot problems that we non-experts would never think of!


There are a lot of reasons why your mobile hotspot might keep disconnecting, but thankfully, there are also a lot of ways to fix those problems!

By following the tips in this article, you can hopefully get rid of those pesky disconnections and get back to enjoying stable internet access everywhere you go!

Looking to upgrade your hotspot experience with faster, more stable connections? Tap the button below for the best currently available!

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