A mobile hotspot is a great way to stay connected to the internet when you're on the go, but what's not so great is when your hotspot keeps turning off.

There are a few reasons why this might be happening, which we'll explore in this blog post. Keep reading to find out more.

Your Battery Is Dying

This is probably the most common reason why your mobile hotspot keeps turning off. When your phone's battery gets low, it will automatically turn off any non-essential features to conserve power, and that includes your mobile hotspot.

If you're using your hotspot for an extended period of time, it's a good idea to keep your phone plugged into a power source so you don't run into this issue.

You're Running Out Of Data

Another reason your mobile hotspot might keep turning off is that you're running out of data.

Depending on your data plan, you might have a limited amount of data that you can use each month, and once you hit that limit, your hotspot will be turned off automatically.

To avoid this, make sure you keep track of how much data you're using and upgrade to a higher data plan if necessary.

You're In A Weak Network Area

If you're in an area with a weak or spotty network connection, your phone might automatically turn off your mobile hotspot to conserve power.

Once you move into an area with a stronger signal, your hotspot should turn back on automatically.


There are a few different reasons why your mobile hotspot might keep turning off, but the most common reason is simply that your battery is getting low.

If you're using your hotspot for an extended period of time, make sure to keep your phone plugged into a power source so you don't run into this issue.

Also, keep track of how much data you're using each month so you don't exceed your data limit and have your hotspot turned off as a result.

Lastly, if you're in an area with a weak or spotty network connection, your phone might turn off your mobile hotspot to conserve power. But as long as you're in an area with a strong signal, everything should be back up and running smoothly again.

Want to get the best hotspot connections and speeds? Considering a dedicated mobile hotspot. Tap the button below for the best currently available!