Ethernet cables are a key component of most home and business networks. They provide a reliable connection between devices, helping us connect with the content we need quickly and easily.

But what happens when your ethernet cable gets wet? Are they waterproof? Is it possible to salvage it, or will you have to replace it?

Let’s take a look at how moisture affects ethernet cables, and what you can do to keep them dry.

The Effects Of Moisture On Ethernet Cables

Moisture can interfere with the electrical signals passing through an ethernet cable, resulting in degraded performance or complete failure of the connection.

This is especially true if the water is contaminated with chemicals or other substances that could corrode or degrade the wires or insulation inside the cable.

If your ethernet cable does get wet, you should unplug it immediately and let it dry out completely before plugging it back in.

If there’s any corrosion present on the wires or insulation inside the cable, then you may need to replace it altogether, as corrosion can cause permanent damage to the cable.

Protecting Your Network From Moisture

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to protect your network from moisture damage.

First, make sure that any exposed cables are properly sealed with waterproof seals or tape so that no water can infiltrate them.

Additionally, consider investing in outdoor-rated ethernet cables for any connections that must be run outside. These cables are designed specifically for outdoor use and are more resistant to moisture than regular indoor-rated cables.

Finally, keep an eye on weather forecasts for any storms heading your way and unplug all exposed cables until after they pass if necessary; this will help minimize your risk of moisture damage from rain and wind-driven water droplets.


Ethernet cables are essential components of any home or business network, but they aren't impervious to moisture damage—they can be affected by water just like other electrical components such as outlets and switches.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to protect your network from moisture damage, including using waterproof seals on exposed cables and investing in outdoor-rated cables for connections that must be run outside.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to keep your network safe from water damage no matter what Mother Nature throws at it!

Looking for the best ethernet cables on the market for gaming and general use? Then tap the button below to learn more!

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