A lot of people think that gaming laptops are only good for playing games. But the truth is, a lot of the specs on a gaming laptop make it ideal for video editing as well.

That’s why I decided to put together this post: to show you that if you’re looking for a new laptop to do some video editing, a gaming laptop might be the perfect choice.

What's Most Important In A Laptop For Video Editing

Processing Power

One of the most important things you need in a video editor is processing power.

Gaming laptops have some of the most powerful processors on the market. And since video editing can be a processor-intensive task, that means a gaming laptop can handle it with ease.


A dedicated GPU is another important thing to look for in a video editor. And once again, gaming laptops have you covered.

Dedicated GPUs are designed to handle graphics-intensive tasks, and since video editing often involves rendering large files, you’re going to want all the help you can get.

Plus, with a dedicated GPU, you’ll be able to preview your edits in real-time, which can save you a lot of time in the editing process.

Large Fast Drives

Many gaming laptops come with fast and large SSD drives, which are fast and have plenty of space that you will need to edit large video files.

Lots of Memory

A good amount of ram is also needed to render and edit video.

Here again, gaming laptops can shine.  Often including lots of Ram, which is needed to play the most demanding up-to-date games.  This amount of memory is also great for video editing.


If you’re looking for a new laptop to do some video editing, a gaming laptop might be the perfect choice.

Thanks to their powerful processors, large fast drives, plenty of memory, and dedicated GPUs, gaming laptops can handle even the most processor-intensive tasks with ease. So, if you’re in the market for a new video editor, don’t discount a gaming laptop—it just might be exactly what you need.

Want to know what the best gaming laptops on the market at great prices are? Then tap the buttons below to find out more!