Keycaps—the plastic covers for the tops of individual keys on a computer and electronic keyboards—come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

While many keycaps are designed to be universal in terms of their shape and size, this is not always the case. In some cases, finding the right type of keycap to replace an existing one can be more complicated than expected.

In this blog post, we’ll answer the question “are keycaps universal?” as well as provide some tips on how to determine which type of keycap you need when replacing them on your keyboard.

Types Of Keycaps

When it comes to keycaps, there are two main types: standard and non-standard. Standard keycaps typically feature a plus or diamond shaped stem near the center that fits into a slot built into most different kinds of keyboards. Non-standard keycaps don’t have this plus or diamond shaped stem, but rather a unique shape that is specific to certain keyboards or devices.

They can also be made from different materials, such as PBT plastic or ABS plastic. The material affects the feel and sound of the keyboard when you type. PBT offers a more tactile feel than ABS, and PBT also being made from a stronger plastic which is less susceptible to wear and turn glossy the way ABS keys can over time.

What To Look For

The first step in determining what type of keycap you need is to identify whether your keyboard requires standard or non-standard keycaps.

If you’re using an off-the-shelf keyboard such as Logitech or Microsoft, chances are it will require standard keycaps. However, if you’re using a non-traditional keyboard such as one found on gaming laptops or mechanical keyboards, then it may require non-standard keycaps—it’s important to double check before making any purchases!

Once you know what type of keycap your keyboard requires, then you can work on finding the right size and shape for your needs.

Since each keyboard model is different, manufacturers usually offer detailed sizing charts that make it easy to find exactly what you need with just a few clicks (or taps).

Additionally, sites like Amazon often carry whole sets of replacement keys complete with all the various sizes and shapes needed for almost any kind of keyboard available on the market today—allowing for easy substitution even if you don’t know exactly which size/shape your current replacement requires.


Ultimately, while many people assume that all keyboards use one single universal type of keycap—this isn’t always true! Depending on your specific device and model, you may need something entirely unique or completely different from what another person might require for their own device/model.

The best way to determine exactly what type and size/shape of replacement keys your device requires is by utilizing manufacturer specs or through sites like Amazon, where whole sets are available at relatively low prices.

One More Thing:

Are you looking for the best keycaps for gaming on the market today? Tap the button below to learn more.