There's nothing worse than slow internet. One minute you're cruising along, playing your favorite game online or streaming your favorite show with no issues, and the next, you're stuck buffering for what feels like an eternity.

If this sounds familiar, you're not alone—slow internet is one of the most common complaints among internet users. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to try and speed things up.

One option is to get a second modem. But can you have two modems in one house? We break it down for you below.

The Benefits of Having Two Modems In One House

There are a few benefits of having two modems in one house.

First, it can help to boost your internet speeds.

If you have multiple people in your household who are all trying to use the internet at the same time, having two modems will help to distribute the load more evenly and prevent your speeds from slowing down as much.

Another benefit of having two modems is that it can provide redundancy in case one modem goes out.

This is especially helpful if you work from home or need to be online for school. Having a second modem as a backup means that you won't have to worry about losing your connection if something happens to your primary modem.

Finally, having two modems also gives you the ability to connect to different internet providers.

This can be helpful if one provider is experiencing an outage or if you want to compare speeds between different providers.

Drawbacks Of Having Two Modems In One House

Of course, there are also a few drawbacks to having two modems in one house.

The first is that it can be expensive. Not only do you have to pay for the cost of the second modem, but you'll also likely have to pay for an additional monthly fee from your internet provider.

Another drawback is that it can be complex to set up and manage. If you're not comfortable troubleshooting technical issues, managing two modems might be more hassle than it's worth.

Finally, having two modems also means that you'll have twice as many devices that need to be updated when new firmware becomes available. This can be a time-consuming process if you're not diligent about staying on top of it.


So, can you have two modems in one house? Yes, but there are pros and cons to doing so that you should consider before making the decision to add a second modem to your home network.

Weighing these factors will help you decide whether or not adding a second modem is right for you and your family.

Looking for a new modem? Tap the button below for the best modems on sale now!