There's no shame in admitting it: we've all been there. You've just moved into a new place and realized that there's no way to hide the unsightly ethernet cable running across your living room.

Or maybe you've had your ethernet cable for years, and it's starting to look a little ratty. Whatever the case may be, you're in need of some serious ethernet cable concealment advice.

Get Creative With Furniture Placement

If you have a large piece of furniture like a couch or entertainment center, try running the ethernet cable behind it.

You can also use furniture to create visual barriers that will help conceal the cable. For example, if you have a coffee table with a shelf beneath, try running the cable along the underside of the shelf so that it's hidden from view.

Invest In Cord Covers

Cord covers are inexpensive and easy to install, and they'll do a great job of hiding your ethernet cable.

You can find cord covers at your local hardware store or online at Amazon. Be sure to get the right size cover for your ethernet cable—you don't want it to be too tight or too loose.

Use Command Strips

If you're renting and can't make any permanent changes to your walls, try using Command strips to attach your ethernet cable along the baseboard or molding.

Just be sure not to use too many strips, as they can damage paint or wallpaper when removed.

Get Creative With Wall Art

If you're really crafty, you can use wall art to disguise your ethernet cable. For example, you could weave the cable through a hanging tapestry or string it along the back of a framed picture set up on ledges or shelves.

Just be careful not to overload electrical outlets or damage delicate items with heavy-duty tape or glue.

Use Floor Molding

Floor molding is another great option for hiding cords if you can't necessarily make changes to your walls (or if you're just tired of looking at cords running along your baseboards).

Attach the cord along the edge of the molding using painter's tape or Command strips, then use furniture placement to further conceal it from view.

Us Flat Ethernet Cables Under Rugs And Along Walls

Flat Ethernet Cables are great for running under carpets, rugs, and along walls. Just be sure to get quality cables. Tap the button at the end of this article for the best ones currently available.

And there you have it! With these six simple tips, you'll be able to easily hide that unsightly ethernet cable in no time flat!


There's no need to feel ashamed if your home isn't wired for WiFi—ethernet cables are completely hidden!

With a little creativity and some basic household supplies, you can easily conceal an ethernet cable so that it blends seamlessly into your home décor. With these six simple tips, you'll be able to hide your ethernet cable in no time flat!

Looking for the best-performing ethernet cables on the market today? Tap the button below for our list which includes some great options to help stay out of sight.