Have you ever been to a concert or music festival and noticed the performers wearing small earbuds in their ears? Those small earbuds are called in-ear monitors (IEMs).

IEMs are used by professional musicians, and sound technicians, to hear themselves more clearly and accurately while they perform.

They are also becoming much more popular in the area of esports and gaming, where many professional gamers are finding them, in many cases, superior to and more comfortable than traditional headphones.

If you’re curious about how to wear IEMs like a pro, this blog post is for you!

Step 1: Clean Your Ears Regularly

The first step to wearing IEMs like a pro is to keep your ears clean. This means removing any earwax or debris that can block the sound of your IEMs.

It’s important to note that cotton swabs should not be used for this purpose — instead, use an ear-cleaning solution or even just warm water and a washcloth or towel.

You should also make sure that your hands are clean before inserting your IEMs into your ears.

Step 2: Choose The Right Size Ear Tips

The next step is to choose the right size ear tips for your ears. You don’t want them too big or too small, as either can cause discomfort and muffle the sound of the IEMs.

Different sizes of ear tips are usually included with IEMs, so it’s important to find the right fit for your ears.

Additionally, you should make sure that the tips fit snugly but not too tightly in order to get optimal sound quality.

Step 3: Insert Your IEMs Properly

Once you have chosen the proper size ear tips, it’s time to insert them into your ears properly.

To do this, slightly tilt your head forward while gently pushing each bud into your ear canal until it feels comfortable and secure. Once inserted correctly, you should hear crisp sound without muffling or distortion.

Additionally, if you experience any discomfort upon insertion, try changing out the size of the ear tip until it feels better in your ears.

Step 4: Wire Placement

Unlike earbuds, where the wires usually are meant to hang straight down from your years, when wearing IEMs you should run the wires from the buds forward, up, over, and around the back of your ears.

This ensures they remain in place securely, and most IEMs will have their wires already molded for the behind-the-ear hook shape.


Wearing IEMs like a pro is essential if you want crystal-clear audio when performing onstage, in recording studios, or in competitive gaming.

The key steps include keeping your ears clean, choosing the right size of ear tips, inserting them properly into your ears, and correctly securing the wire around the back of your ears.

With these steps in mind, you will be able to wear IEMs like a pro in no time!

Are you looking for the best IEMs currently on the market for music or gaming? Tap the button below to learn more!